Saturday, April 11, 2020

Getty Artwork Re-creation Challenge

Above Left: The Astronomer, 1668, by Johannes Vermeer.  
Above right: Recreation by Ann Zumhagen-Krause and her husband on Twitter and via Facebook DM
Below: My Mona Lisa re-creation commentary, 3x5, Ink, pencil and collage on paper, posted on Twitter.

Being stuck at home for days at a time can be maddening for some folks. So the Getty Museum has come to our rescue! They have issued a playful challenge on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to re-create your favorite art using objects (and people) lying around the house. The challenge was inspired by the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and an Instagram account called Between Art and Quarantine. Thousands of re-creations have been done in both serious and humous ways. My contribution falls into the latter category. With the gravity of the current world situation, I have turned to cartooning to try and elevate spirits and lighten the mood. Although not strictly adhering to the challenge protocols, my cartoon depicts a probably homebound couple, attempting a re-creation of the Mona Lisa. As you can see by the Vermeer Astronomer above, folks can be fairly exacting. And the snag comes when someone, probably the husband (not seen), for authenticity's sake, suggests the model shave off her eyebrows! Ruh-Roh Reorge. (High resolution scans have revealed that DaVinci originally did give La Gioconda eyebrows and eyelashes, but they have faded over time.) 

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